2011년 4월 27일 수요일

Parody & Satire

Satire is a from of art - it can be any sorts: videeos, literature, pictures etc - that intends to ridicule a group, person or the society. It mostly uses irony or sarcasm but parody, juxtaposition, exaggeration, comparison and analogy is used too, according to Wikipedia.

I want to talk about the Keducation in a way like the body rituals of Nacirema we read in class. People always emphasize being creative when they don't give us a chance and also encourage in words for students to think out side of the box when students are always stuck in the big square building for hours. I think that it is just the opposite of what adults wants the kids to be and what they do for children.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good ideas and nice summary of what satire is (without cutting and pasting from Wiki - always a no no). I look forward to seeing what you come up with. My debate class spent a lot of time writing and debating this issue.

    Good post, but you could add more detail and pics/videos etc. next time for added emphasis.
