2011년 2월 28일 월요일

Draft for 'TIMES Person of the Year'

TIMES Person of the Year
times person of the year is given to an individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news.
1. the selections were ultimately based on what the magazine describes as who they believe had a stronger influence on history
past there have been Franklin D Roosevelt, Queen elizabeth 2, The computer, Fighting troops that have been sent ot Korean War, Adolf Hitler, Dwight D. Einsenhower, HArry S. Truman, scientists, etc
2. began in 1927 for contemplating a story for slow news week and not having a first cover story of Charles Lindbergh, hero of trans-Atlantic flight

TIMES Person of the Year for 2010
2010 Facebook creator 3. Mark Zuckerberg came in at 10th place in the popular vote and Wikileaks director Julian Assange came first with more than 20 times as many votes as Zuckerberg and an average rating of 92 compared to Zuckerberg's average of 52. However, Zuckerberg was selected and later Times had announced that Assange was reader's choice for time's person of the year 2010

Julian Assange
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, whistle blower website and conduit for worldwide news leaks with the stated purpose of creating open governments. He made many public appearances to speak about freedom of the press, censorship and investigative journalism.number of nominations and awards, including the Amnesty international Media Award for publishing material about extrajudicial killings
in Kenya.

Wikileaks is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to public. innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of sources anonymous, providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices

4. People's interest differ so no one agrees on one person as the person of the year

Ode to a Polaroid Camera #2

It was in an electronics store, and you were just waiting there, shining in the showroom window. I felt like you were waving your hand towards me, inviting me to take your hand. For a moment, I hesitated, since I wasn’t sure of you. I didn’t know if you were the one that would suit me, but my instincts told me “go for it.”

To tell you the truth, the thing I was trying to find wasn’t you. I wanted something skinnier, prettier that worked faster. I wanted something that was new and nice. But you hooked me and wouldn’t let my thoughts fall away from you. Do you think that I regret that decision? No way! I still like you and I never regretted the decision I made on that day. In fact, I feel proud of myself that I chose you and not something else. Come to think of it, the other cameras don’t have your humane characteristics, and compared to you it’s as if they are cold blooded. They don’t make the beautiful mistakes that you sometimes do, and they erase their memories too easily. Memories should be kept, even if they aren’t always pretty. They should be held on to, no matter what. If no one examines them, new digital cameras just quickly disappear and fade after a few months. But not you. You are always there.

After purchasing you, you were always with me wherever I went. You were always there when I was sad, when I was disappointed, when I was happy, and when I was excited. I was never alone because you were always there with me, and we could leave plenty of memories to look back on later, because I was with you and not alone. Even though you are big I like you. Even though you are not fancy and act in an old fashioned way. I like you. Even though, you might attract people’s attention because of your awkward looks, I accepted you. That’s why I keep you with me everywhere I go. That’s why I show you to my friends, and make memories through you. That’s why I always buy something to decorate you.

Sometimes it is hard to wait for you to make colorful memories for me. However, every time I take even thou I might be impatient to wait for you to make beautiful memory, I am always excited as colors show up one by one. At first the colors are scarcely shown on the paper. However, as time goes the colors are shown brighter and more clearly. I think that my memories are exactly the same. At the time, I don’t know that it would be a memorable moment that I would remember later. But as time passes by, for me, I remember special days more and more clearly. Just like you. You take time forming these remarkable photos, and it is very exciting to watch you making it. It is a wondering for me how these memories get left on me like footprints. If the weather is cold, you wouldn't make a lovely photo. The colors would turn out gloomy just like the weather. If I have a bad experience that I don’t want to remember, I would feel blue just like the photo I took on a gloomy day. You and I are similar.

I know that sometimes you are left alone in the closet instead of being taken with me to new places. You might not have liked being left, since you are not used to it. You might also feel depressed and sad, and maybe even feel that nobody wants you. However, I just want you to know that you are my best friend, and I will be always there, like you are always there for me. You are my best friend, and I want to thank you for helping me keep my cherished memories alive all this time. I hope that you feel the same with me, and once again we can share indelible memories together.

Yours Sincerely, Ann Lee

2011년 2월 17일 목요일

Assignment #1: Ode to polaroid camera

Ode To Polaroid Camera

Dear Polaroid Camera

Do you remember when I first saw you? It was at an electronic store and you were just standing there, shining at the show window. I felt like you were waving your hand toward me wanting me to take your hand. For a moment I hesitated, since I weren’t really sure of you. I didn’t know if you were the one that would suit me, but my instincts told me “go for it”. To tell you the truth, the thing I was trying to find weren’t you. I wanted something skinnier, prettier, and worked faster. I wanted something that was new and nice. But you just hooked me up and wouldn’t let my thoughts fall away from you. Do you think that I regret that decision? No way! I still like you and I never really regretted the decision I made on that day. In fact I feel proud of myself that I chose you and not something else. Come to think of it, other ones don’t have humane characters and they are like if they are cold blooded. They don’t even make mistakes that you do sometimes and they erase their memories too easily. Memories should be kept like you not erased because it is not pretty. It should be kept no matter what, just like you do. Also they just quickly disappear after few months if no one looks for it, unlike you who are always there.

     Afterwards, you were always with me where I went. You were always there when I was sad, when I was disappointed, when I was happy, when I was excited. I was never alone because you were always there with me and we could leave lots of memories to look back later on because I was with you and not alone. Even though you are big I liked you. Even though you are not fancy and act in an old fashioned way I liked you. Even though you might attract people’s attention because of your looks I liked you. That’s why I keep you with me always where I go. That’s why I show you to my friends and make memory together. That’s why I always buy something to decorate you.

I know that sometimes you were left alone in the closet instead of being taken with me to new places I went to. You might have not liked being left, since you are not used to it. You might have felt depresssed and sad and maybe even felt that nobody wanted you. However, I just want you to know that you are my best friend and I will be always there, like you are always there for me. You are my best friend and I want to thank you for helping me keep my precious memories all along this time. I hope that you feel the same with me and once again make indelible memories with you.

Your sincerely
    Ann Lee