2011년 2월 28일 월요일

Draft for 'TIMES Person of the Year'

TIMES Person of the Year
times person of the year is given to an individual or group of individuals who have had the biggest effect on the year's news.
1. the selections were ultimately based on what the magazine describes as who they believe had a stronger influence on history
past there have been Franklin D Roosevelt, Queen elizabeth 2, The computer, Fighting troops that have been sent ot Korean War, Adolf Hitler, Dwight D. Einsenhower, HArry S. Truman, scientists, etc
2. began in 1927 for contemplating a story for slow news week and not having a first cover story of Charles Lindbergh, hero of trans-Atlantic flight

TIMES Person of the Year for 2010
2010 Facebook creator 3. Mark Zuckerberg came in at 10th place in the popular vote and Wikileaks director Julian Assange came first with more than 20 times as many votes as Zuckerberg and an average rating of 92 compared to Zuckerberg's average of 52. However, Zuckerberg was selected and later Times had announced that Assange was reader's choice for time's person of the year 2010

Julian Assange
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, whistle blower website and conduit for worldwide news leaks with the stated purpose of creating open governments. He made many public appearances to speak about freedom of the press, censorship and investigative journalism.number of nominations and awards, including the Amnesty international Media Award for publishing material about extrajudicial killings
in Kenya.

Wikileaks is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to public. innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of sources anonymous, providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices

4. People's interest differ so no one agrees on one person as the person of the year

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